The official opening of the VISTA Center VICCO takes place at the Geology Building at the University of Oslo on Friday, December 6th.
VICCO is acronym for VISTA Centre for CO2 Storage in Volcanic-Sedimentary Systems. This is one of two newly established research centers that have received funding from the VISTA program in 2024. The center is funded for five years with 25 million Norwegian kroner through the VISTA agreement, which is a basic research collaboration between Equinor and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. UiO contributes with self-financing.
Head of the VICCO center is Henrik Hovland Svensen, Professor of Geology at the Department of Geosciences at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
On its homepage, the research of the VICCO center is explained as follows:
"With the VICCO Centre we aim to explore the potential for large-scale permanent CO2 storage in volcanic-sedimentary systems through carbonate mineral-forming reactions. Carbonatization may enhance the seal integrity of the reservoir and reduce reservoir leakage risks in mixed volcanic-sedimentary systems."
Read more about the VICCO center
The VISTA program allocates funds for research on issues related to the energy transition. For the first time this year both scientific and social science research are being funded.
Read about the social science VISTA center NOTRAP
Both the Academy's President Lise Øvreås and VISTA Board Chairman Kenneth Ruud will participate in the opening.
14:00 Opening by Vice-Rector UiO Mette Halskov Hansen
14:10 Presentation of the VISTA Center Concept by Kenneth Ruud, Chair of VISTA
14:20 What will the VICCO center research on? Presentation of the VICCO centre by Head of the centre, Professor Henrik H. Svensen
14:30 Why is Equinor Contributing to this Research Program? by Tina Todem, VP Technology strategy, portfolio and Partnerships at Equinor
14:45 Why are the VISTA Centers Important for the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters? by Lise Øverås, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
14.55 Questions and closing remarks
15:00 Coffee, cake and mingling
Moderator: Head of Department and Professor Bernd Etzelmüller